For the gathering activity this evening, we had several tables set up for the boys and their families to work on a service project. Sister Springer coordinated this activity for friends who are doctors and needing supplies and blankets for their next humanitarian trip to Malawi, Africa.
Tying blankets got everyone involved--many hands make quick work of it!
Some of the cubs gave each blanket a quick cuddle before they were folded.
Working in teams was great. For the Webelos', this completed a requirement in the Handyman section.
It looks like our newest cub scout, Cullen Strom, is enjoying himself. Welcome to Pack 16!
This was a great activity for the boys and their families to work on--simple and yet effective. It, hopefully, taught them that their are others in this world who are not as fortunate and have basic needs--like blankets to stay warm. Through activities like this one and others, the boys are able to learn some of the challenges people in other parts of the world face and that there are ways they can help. It develops their capacity to show compassion.
We had a lot of awards to hand out tonight. We started with our newest Webelos'--Andrew Wallace. He not only earned his Webelos' badge, but the Compass and one compass point. He is well on his way to earning his Arrow of Light. Way to go--Andrew!
Brandon Duran was awarded his Bear badge and one Gold arrow point. He joins the Webelos' den and will start working towards earning his next badge. Good job, Brandon!
Will Starley received his Bobcat badge tonight, even though he complete the requirements a couple of months ago. [This is our first pack meeting back from the holiday season]. And since then, Will is well on his way to finishing his Wolf too! For the award, Will's dad tipped him over and his mom pinned it on him, a true scouting tradition. When Will does his first "Good Turn"--his mom can put his Bobcat patch on his uniform!
Andrew Barrow earned a Gold and a Silver arrow point for going over and beyond in his Wolf rank. He is a new Bear now and will be learning lots of new and fun things in the year to come.
Caleb Wallace not only earned 3 Silver arrow points to go under his Wolf badge, but he also earned the Conservation award. To finish the requirement, he made a poster to illustrate the Leave No Trace rules that scouts obey when they are out in nature. I'm sure he inspired a few of his fellow cub scouts to hurry and finish the requirements to earn this award. Caleb is a great example of being a good citizen and showing respect for nature.

We completed our night with some relay races and activities that the boys can sign off in their books...with a couple of added challenges. They had to get a flag at the end of the first leg and bring it back to the starting point without using their hands. They had to get creative, but everyone figured it out. They had to crawl backwards, do an elephant walk (no bending arms), and the crab crawl (keeping bums off the floor).
We completed our night with some relay races and activities that the boys can sign off in their books...with a couple of added challenges. They had to get a flag at the end of the first leg and bring it back to the starting point without using their hands. They had to get creative, but everyone figured it out. They had to crawl backwards, do an elephant walk (no bending arms), and the crab crawl (keeping bums off the floor).
Life is full of challenges and surprises--but we have friends and family that cheer us on, even when it's hard. We never know when we are going to be given a challenge that kicks the legs out from under us...but we keep working and serving with compassion. We have the ability to do good and to be of good cheer. Remember the scout motto: Do Your Best!
Our theme was compassion, right? There are a lot of people in our communities, families, and realm of influence that deal with challenges both seen, and unseen, every day. Everyone has something valuable to offer and nobody likes being left out. The goal tonight was to help the scouts be aware of the needs of others. Even children with limitations like to have fun and be included in everyday life.
Nathan and his family would like to thank all of the cub scouts and their families that came to see him in the hospital and for all the great gifts and thoughts for him. He loved the origami, the notebooks, the coloring pencils, the card games, and the candies and get-well wishes. He has an amazing den and group of friends in scouting!
Note: Each boy should have received their Pinewood Derby cars. Mark your calendars for March 24th--7pm.
Reminder: This Monday is a combined Den Meeting at 4pm at the Spokane County Library, located on the corner of Division and Hawthorne. Please meet there and be prompt with pick-up at 5pm.
Next Pack Meeting will be on Thursday, February 24th--6:30pm. It is the Blue and Gold Banquet. Remember that this is a family activity as well as a dinner. Hope to see everyone there!!
Be sure to sign these things off in your boy's book, if they haven't already completed:
Wolves--Requirement 10b; elective 4a; elective 4d; elective 4f; elective 9b (baby blanket)
Bears--Requirement 16c; 24a; 24f
Webelos--check with your den leaders
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