Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Field Trip to the Library

Field trips are always a great way for Cub Scouts to interact in the community in a respectful and independent way. Today's field trip took dens of Pack 16 to the local county library.

One of the staff librarians gave the boys a tour of the library and also showed them how to find information, titles, and books by using the computerized card catalog. (Bear Requirement 8a; 17d; Wolf elective 21a).

Books are magical. They are the spaceships of our minds. With them you can go anywhere.

In the Wolf electives, one of the activities is to visit a public library and find out how to get your own library card (Wolf elective 6a). Having a library card and taking care of loaned books, teaches the boys responsibility and respect for property. (Talk to your boys about Respect of people and property and sign off Bear Requirement 8g; Webelos Citizen 13).

Books are an essential part of our learning and school experience. The library is a great place to go for almost any kind of information. In most cities, you can find a number of libraries. If the library doesn't have the exact book you want, you can request the book through an inner-library loan program and have it sent to your library from another library, where you can pick it up when it arrives.

One of the boys tasks today was to identify four different kinds of books that interest them (Wolf elective 6a). Sister Wallace had each of the boys pick a book, read part of it, and discuss some of the things they liked best about it (Wolf elective 6b).

There were books on every topic imaginable. Braden even found a book called the Encyclopedia of Immaturity (how fitting).

Webelos Andrew and Nathan check out a book (Webelos Communicator 6). Libraries aren't just for books either. They also lend magazines, videos, CDs, and books on tape, too.
Idea: Talk to your boys about how

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